Founder's Notes

FertilityIQ Fall Giveback Grant

This autumn, we're excited to introduce a family-building grant opportunity where not only the applicant but also the person who referred them can receive financial support to build their family.

  • Entries will be open from October 16th 2023 to December 7th 2023.

To enter, Click here to review your fertility provider and submit verification (See below for FAQs.)

We will award 5,000 for the winner, and 2,500 for the friend that referred them!

Grant winners are randomly selected and there is no additional application or fee to enter. If you have completed your family-building plans, then grants can be gifted to a friend or family member.
For more information, see below.

Details on Submitting a Review

  • All reviews must be publishable by our standard guidelines to be counted as an entry.
  • Previously submitted reviews with verification are automatically eligible for an entry in this grant. There's no need to resubmit an existing review and duplicate assessments do not count as duplicate entries.
  • The doctor and clinic you review must be located in the United States. There are no citizenship/residency requirements to win.
  • You can submit one review for each of the doctors primarily responsible for your care. If you've switched doctors, you can write more than one review and each review counts as an entry!
  • Grant money can be used for any family building endeavor (including egg freezing, adoption, etc) and must be used at a U.S.-based facility or agency.
  • Please only submit one review per patient and partner, unless both partners were patients in separate cycles (as in reciprocal IVF).
  • If you don’t see your doctor's name on our site, simply write it in and we’ll take care of the rest.
  • Please ensure you provide the name of the person who referred you. You'll find a question about this at the end of the review.

Details on Submitting Verification

  • We ask that you send verification that shows you are a current or former patient at the clinic you are reviewing.
  • Examples include: a bill, a forwarded email from the clinic, a copy of a prescription, screenshot of your patient portal etc.
  • Verification must include your first name, the first initial of your last name and the doctor or clinic name. ALL other identifying information should be redacted.
  • When you complete your review, you’ll receive a link to upload your documentation, if you did not receive it or want another link, simply email

Additional grant opportunities can be found here and our FAQS here.

Still have a question—your answer may be here!

I don’t see my review posted to the site! Am I still entered in the grant?

Yes! Each review is read by a member of our team prior to being published. As long as your review & verification meet our guidelines, you are all set, even if you don't see your review on the site yet!

How do I upload verification?

A link to upload your verification was is sent via email with the subject line “almost done”. If you would like us to resend the link, please email

I submitted a review before the grant. Am I still entered?

Yes! As long as your previous review was verified and up on the site, you are good to go!

Can I review my ob/gyn, PA, or nurse practitioner?

No. We currently only accept reviews for fertility specialists (reproductive endocrinologists), and urologists that specialize in fertility.

Can my partner and I both submit reviews for grant entries?

In most cases, we ask for one review per couple. However, if more than one partner underwent treatment in separate cycles (such as in reciprocal IVF), then each partner is welcome to submit a review of their own experience.

Can I review doctors outside of the U.S.?

No. We don’t currently accept reviews for doctors and clinics outside the U.S.

Can I review more than one doctor?

Yes! We ask that you stick to reviewing doctors that were primarily responsible for your cycle. Your primary doctor is typically the one you met at your initial consult who set your protocol, not a doctor you saw for a monitoring appointment, or one procedure. If you have switched doctors please submit a review for each, as each will count as a separate grant entry.

What if I can’t find my doctor in the drop down portion of the review?

Click the check box in the survey indicating you don't see your doctor listed and you will have the opportunity to write in the name on the next page. We will ensure your assessment is linked to the correct doctor.

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