Childless by Circumstance
A Conversation with Jody Day
Video Lesson

Experts you'll learn from
Written Lesson
A Conversation with Jody Day
In this video lesson, we hear from Jody Day, founder of Gateway Women, Global Advocacy & Support Network for individuals and couples facing unplanned childlessness.
In this lesson you will learn about:
The terminology and definitions around involuntary childlessness, what it means to be childless by circumstance, and the variety of situations that may lead to unplanned childlessness
The global prevalence of childlessness and how it has changed in recent years
Jody’s own story and journey of hoping to becoming a parent, her grieving process and ultimately remaining childless
Advice for those who are childless and are navigating social situations where the emphasis is on being a parent
You’ll hear more from Jody in the following lessons on cultural messages around childlessness, advice on the grieving process, and finding support in your own journey.