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PGT-A Course Objectives
Each country has its own laws around use of genetic testing. Before considering any of these options, it's wise to familiarize yourself with your country's laws and customs. We suggest consulting our courses broken down by country for more information.
PGT-A is one of the most confusing topics today—for doctors as well as patients! We’ll be diving deep into every facet of PGT-A, and by the end, we’re hoping you’ll at very least understand:
- What PGT-A is trying to solve: the problem of abnormal embryos
- How predictive are embryos labeled normal?
- The process of PGT-A and how to make sure you’re at the right place
- The alleged benefits of PGT-A: lower miscarriage, more singletons, better family planning
- The criticisms of PGT-A: biopsy risk, accuracy of the test, older vs younger patients, faulty marketing
- Mosaicism, why it matters and how to prioritize your embryos for transfer
- Cost analysis by age and return on investment