11 Lessons4h 22m

Paths to Parenthood For Single & Gay Dads: An Introduction

Introducing the major decisions a gay couple or single man may face in order to become fathers. Tips on finding a clinic, selecting an egg donor & gestational carrier (surrogate), pros and cons of twins, and costs involved. See an overview of adoption & foster care for gay and single dads.

Paths to Parenthood For Single & Gay Dads: An Introduction
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Course syllabus

  1. 71 min
    1. Dennis's story
  2. 8 min
    1. Paths to Parenthood
  3. 5 min
    1. Gestational Surrogacy & Egg Donation
  4. 14 min
    1. The Donor Egg Process
  5. 36 min
    1. The Gestational Surrogacy Process
  6. 15 min
    1. IVF Treatment Decisions
  7. 63 min
    1. Legal & Financial Considerations
  8. 7 min
    1. Managing Through Adversity
  9. 13 min
    1. Adoption for Gay & Single Dads
  10. 5 min
    1. Intro to Fostering for Gay & Single Dads
  11. 25 min
    1. Dr. Kaser's Story

What you'll learn

Introducing the major decisions a gay couple or single man may face in order to become fathers. We cover tips on finding a clinic, what you need to know about selecting an egg donor & gestational carrier, pros and con of twins, and costs involved. We also provide an overview of adoption & foster care for gay and single dads.

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