Topics / Race & Ethnicity

Race & Ethnicity

Racial & ethnic groups can experience distinct underlying fertility conditions. Data shows there are ways to optimize treatments to improve outcomes in several groups. These courses walk you through unique issues faced by different groups, and steps that can be taken to improve the odds of success.

Courses (5)

Fertility for Black Families

Black women and couples often have unique fertility challenges and in this course we'll address the more common underlying issues, ways in which they can be managed, rates of treatment success and how IVF can be optimized to improve outcomes.

Featuring experts from
Johns Hopkins, +4 more
Fertility for Patients of East Asian Heritage

In this course, we cover the basics of fertility treatment (e.g. timed intercourse, oral medication, IUI, and IVF) as well as success rates and treatment nuances for women, couples and patients of East Asian heritage. We also highlight concepts and data as it pertains to acupuncture and mental health.

Featuring experts from
Harvard, UCSF, +9 more
Fertility for Patients of South Asian Heritage

We cover the basics of fertility treatment (e.g. timed intercourse, oral medication, IUI and IVF) as well as studies, nuance and subjects that particularly pertain to women, couples, and patients of South Asian heritage.

Featuring experts from
Harvard, +8 more
Family Building for Vietnamese Americans - Xây dựng gia đình cho Người Mỹ gốc Việt

Trong khóa học này, chúng tôi trình bày các kiến thức cơ bản về thụ thai, IUI, IVF và cách mà tỷ lệ thành công có thể khác nhau đối với bệnh nhân người Mỹ gốc Việt.

In this course, we cover the fundamentals of conception, IUI, IVF, and how success rates may vary for Vietnamese American patients.

Fertility for Patients of Latinx Heritage

In this course, we cover the basics of conception, IUI, IVF, how success rates differ for Latinx patients as well as the impact of male factor, PCOS, and environmental exposures (e.g. pesticides, BPAs). We include deep dives on fertility-related diagnoses, from endometriosis to male factor, in both Spanish and Portuguese.

Featuring experts from
Mount Sinai, UCSF, +9 more

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